Glossary of terms


Glossary of technical terms


The spellings and explanations in this glossary will be used in examinations, but it is not to be taken as the only possible definition. The intention is to provide clear usable definitions for all words that are referred to in the assessment statements, by "define….. It should also reduce ambiguity where more than one word is used for the same concept, structure, etc..

Whether a student can recall and understand a definition may be determined in several ways including multiple choice questions, short-answer and extended response questions.



The taking in of chemical substances through cell membranes or layers of cells.


Acrosome reaction

The release of hyaluronidase when the sperm cell membrane fuses with the acrosome (the specialised penetrating vesicle at the top of the spermatozoon). The enzyme dissolves the zona pellucida leading to fusion of sperm head and ovum.


Action potential   

The localised reversal and then restoration of electrical potential between the inside and outside of a neuron as the impulse passes along it.


Active immunity    

Immunity due to production of antibodies by the organism itself after the body’s defence mechanisms have been stimulated by invasion of foreign microorganisms.


Active site   

The site on surface of enzyme to which substrate or substrates bind.



One specific form of a gene, differing from other alleles by one or a few bases only and occupying, the same gene locus as other alleles of the gene.



A globular protein that recognises an antigen.



A molecule recognised as foreign by the immune system.


Artificial immunity

Immunity due to inoculation with vaccine.



A chromosome that is not a sex chromosome



An organism that produces organic master from inorganic raw materials and an external energy source.


Balanced diet

A diet that provides all nutrients in the necessary proportions.



The total mass of organic master in organisms or ecosystems. Water is not organic master and so is not included. (The term Standing Crop which is synonymous will not be used).



An individual that has a recessive allele of a gene that does not have an effect on the phenotype.


Carrying capacity

The maximum number of a species that can be sustainably supported by the environment.


Centimorgan (a unit of map distance)

The distance between two loci that, will give, on average, one crossover in 100 gametes.



The points at which homologous chromosomes remain in contact as chromatids move apart during Prophase I of meiosis                or a cross-shaped structure formed by crossing over between chromosomes or two chromatids.


Classical Conditioning

The modification of behaviour in an animal as a result of detection of correlations between external events.



A group of organisms of identical genotype. OR  A group of cells descended from a single parent cell.


Codominant alleles

Alleles which have a partial effect on the phenotype when present in heterozygotes but a greater effect in  homozygotes. (Note: the terms incomplete and partial are no longer used).



The attraction between molecules of a liquid resulting from intermolecular forces.



A group of populations living and interacting with each other in a habitat.


Competitive Exclusion

The elimination or one species from a communit3, by, another species with the same requirements.



Having more than one base triplet to code for one amino acid.



A structural change in a protein (or nucleic acid) that results in a loss (temporary or permanent) of its biological      properties.



An organism that ingests dead organic matter.



The passive movement of particles from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration.


Dominant allele   

An allele which has the same effect on the phenotype whether ¡t ¡present in the homozygous or heterozygous state.



The study of relationships between living organisms and between them and their environment.



All of the ecosystems on the Earth



A community and its abiotic environment.



A reaction that involves the absorption of energy.



A globular protein functioning, as a biological catalyst.



The removal from an organism of the toxic waste products of metabolism.



A reaction that involves the release of energy.



Any part of the DNA sequence giving rise to the translated polypeptide sequence.


F1 hybrid vigour   

Vigour due to high levels of heterozygosity.



The fusion of male and female gametes.



The physical condition of the body which suits ¡t to the particular exercise which it performs.



An heritable factor that controls a specific characteristic, consisting of a length of DNA occupying a position on a     chromosome known as a locus.


Gene mutation    

A change in the base sequence of a gene.


Genetic screening

Testing a population for the presence or absence of a gene.



The total genetic material of an organelle, cell or organism.



The alleles possessed by an organism.


Gross production

The amount of organic matter produced by photosynthesis in plants.



The environment in which a species normally lives OR     The location of a living organism.


Half- life

The time during which the radioactivity falls to half its original level.


Hardy- Weinberg Principle

If the two alleles A and a are segregating at a locus, and each has frequency of p and q respectively, then the frequencies of the genotypes AA, Aa and aa are p2, 2pp, and q2 respectively.


Harvestable dry Biomass

The dry biomass of the part of the plant of commercial value (e.g., for cereal crops the dry biomass of the grains only).



An organism that obtains energy and organic matter from other organisms.



Having two different alleles of a gene.



Chromosomes with the same gene loci in the same sequence which are capable of pairing up to form bivalents     during the first prophase of meiosis.



Having the two identical alleles of a gene



An attachment to an object encountered during a short period after birth, usually a parent



Reproduction involving fusion of gametes produced by genetically related individuals.


Innate behaviour

Behaviour which normally occurs in all members of a species despite natural variation in environmental influences.


Insight learning   

A form of intelligent activity and a function of cognitive effort, which contrasts with more passive trial and error mode of learning.



The period between one division of the nucleus of a cell and the next division.


Interspecific Hybridisation

Sexual reproduction between members of different species.



A part of the DNA sequence which is transcribed but is not translated.It is usually spliced out during RNA processing.



The movement (as opposed to growth) of an organism or a cell in response to a stimulus such that rate depends on intensity but not direction of the stimulus.


Leaf area index

The ratio between the total area of leaves of a plant crop and the area of soil available to it.


Limiting factor

Variable factors which control the rate of a process when nearer their minimum than other factors.


Linkage group

A group of genes whose loci are on the same chromosome.



The particular position on homologous chromosomes of a gene.



The result of feeding on a diet that is not balanced.



The "average" value obtained by dividing the total of a set of values by the number of values.



The central value in a set of observations arranged in order (i.e., the value which divides the ordered set into 2 equal parts).



Nuclear division that produce two nuclei each genetically identical to each other and to the original parent nucleus.



Nuclear division that produces two nuclei each genetically identical to each other and to the original parent nucleus.



The most frequent value in a set of observations.



An interaction between individuals of different specie that live together (in close proximity) and by which both benefit and neither suffer. (The tem symbiosis will not be used).


Natural immunity

Immunity due to infection.


Negative feedback

The control of a process by the results or effects of the process in such a way that an increase or decrease in the results or effects is always reversed.


Net assimilation rate

The net increase in plant biomass per unit leaf area per unit time.    (NAR)

NAR = increase in biomass per unit time

leaf area


Net production

The part of gross production that is not used in plant respiration.



A species’ share of a habitat and the resources in it. An organism’s ecological niche depends not only on where it lives but on what it does. The part of the habitat which a species can inhabit in the absence of competitors and predators is the fundamental niche. The part it actually occupies is its realised niche.



A packing unit of eukaryotic chromosomes with DNA wound around a histone core.



A substance needed in the diet of an organism.


Operant conditioning

A learning procedure in which a reinforcement follows a particular response on a proportion of occasions.



A group of at least two tissue types combined to carry out a function together (eg., plant root, animal kidney).



Compounds containing carbon that are found in living organisms (except hydrogen carbonates, carbonates and oxides of carbon).


Organ system

An integrated group of organs with a common (shared) function (eg., vascular system, endocrine system).



The control of the osmotic and water potential in a cell or inside a living organism.



Reproduction involving fusion of gametes produced by genetically unrelated individuals.


Partial pressure   

The pressure exerted by each component in a mixture. The pressure of a gas in a mixture is the same as it would exert if it occupied the same volume alone at the same temperature (Dalton’s Law).


Passive immunity

Immunity due to acquisition of antibodies from another organism in which active immunity has been stimulated including via the placenta or in colostrum.



An organism causing disease.



All the characteristics of an organism.



The transfer of a phosphate group by a phosphatase


Plan diagram

Showing the outline of areas of each tissue but showing no detail of cells.



The transfer of pollen from the another to the stigma.


Polygenic inheritance   

A characteristic controlled by more than one gene.



Having more than two haploid sets of chromosomes.



A group of organisms of the same species living in the same area at the same time and capable of interbreeding.


Random sample   

A method to ensure that every individual in a population has an equal chance of being observed.


Recessive allele   

An allele which only has an effect on the phenotype when present in homozygous state.



The reassortment of genes or characters into different combinations from those from the parents.


Resting potential

An electrical potential across a cell membrane when not propagating an impulse.



An organism that feeds on dead organic matter using extracellular digestion.


Sex chromosome

A chromosome that helps to determine the sex of an individual.


Sex linkage

Genes carried on sex chromosomes.



A group of organisms which could interbreed and produce fertile offspring.



The gap between neurons across which neurotransmitter diffuses.



Locomotion of an organism in a particular direction in response to an external stimulus (eg., phototaxis to light and chemotaxis to gradients of dissolved substances).


Test cross       

Testing a suspected heterozygote by crossing with a known homozygous recessive (The term backcross is no longer used).



A group of cells of one type with similar structure and function (eg., plant parenchyma and squamous epithelium).



The movement of substances from one part of a plant to another in the phloem.



The loss of water vapour from the leaves and stems of plants.


Trophic level

The position that an organism occupies in a food chain or group of organisms in a community that occupy the same position in food chains.



Found in all living organisms.


Water potential

A measure of the tendency of water to move between regions. In practice it is the force acting on water molecules in solution when separated from pure water by a membrane permeable to water only (ie., partly permeable).


Page design  © by Harry Hildebrand, 1999